Friday, August 6, 2010

Introduction to Fractions Calculator

Introduction to Fractions Calculator:

In this section let me help you on adding fractions calculator. The Fraction calculator will add two fractions or more fractions here. This calculator will also help to simplify compound fractions to proper fractions or improper fractions. Calculator for adding fractions will solve the problems with step by step explanations. And also we can prepare for exam by understanding fractions calculator. In this calculator, We are going to discuss about how to add two fractions and solved problems.

The meaning of Fraction in two ways. Fraction is used to represent a part of whole and a part of collection or group of objects. algebraic calculator and Fraction has two different parts. The top number is called as numerator and bottom number is called as denominator. It will separate by a bar. Fraction represents as [5/8] .

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