Showing posts with label Properties of Logarithms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Properties of Logarithms. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Properties of logarithms

We use logarithms to mark terms linking various forms of powers in a different form. If you can job self-assuredly with powers in dissimilar analysis you should have no problems conduct logarithms.
mmediately as calculation is the opposite process of addition, and taking a square root is the opposite action of squaring, exponentiation logarithms are inverse operations. Decision an antilog is the opposite operation of judgment a log, so is an additional name for exponentiation.

Three Properties of Logarithms

Following are the three properties of Logarithms.
Multiplication property:
The first property of logarithms is declare what is the rule when you multiply two values with the same base together
(x2 * x3) Recall that logarithm is exponents, and when you multiply, you are going to add the logarithms.
logc xy = logc x + logc y.
Example problem:
1. Log550
Log5(25 * 2 )= log5 25+log5 2
2. Log5 80
Log5(40 * 2 )= log5 40+log5 2.
Division property:
The second property of logarithms are the law what time you divide two values by resources of the similar base is the way to subtract the exponents. Therefore, the law for division is the method to subtract the logarithms.
The log of a calculate is the dissimilarity of the logs.
Logc (x/y) = logc x – logc y.
Example problem:
1) Log5 60
Log5(20/3) = log5 20- log5 3
2). Log5 120
Log5(60/2) = log5 60 – log5 2
Raising to a Power property:
The third property of logarithms are what time you increase a quantity to a power, the law is that you multiply the exponents jointly. In logarithms properties the exponent scheduled the argument is the coefficient of the log.
logc xr = r * logc x.
Example problem:
Log51002=2 log5100
= 2 log5(10*10)
= 2 (log510 + log510)
= 2(2 log510)
Log51002= 4 log510