Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Definition of Mixed number

Definition of Mixed number
· A simple definition for mixed number is
Mixed number=Whole number + proper fraction
· In other way, a mixed number is a number which includes both the fractional part and the whole number part.
Examples of mixed numbers:
Some of the examples of mixed numbers are 2 5/9; 4 9/2; 8 2/3; 64/7….

Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers

Fractions consist of two numbers. The number above the line is called as the numerator and the number below the line is called as the denominator as shown below..
Fraction = numerator
In a fraction, if the numerator looks greater than the denominator then it is called as an improper fraction as shown below
9/5, 7/4, 8/3……..
An Improper fraction is converted to a mixed fraction by dividing the numerator with denominator.Also help in adding fraction
An improper fraction is a fraction which has a greater or equal numerator than its denominator.
A proper fraction is a fraction that has the denominator greater than the numerator.

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