Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Note on Writing a decimal number in words

A decimal number consists of two parts: - a whole number and a decimal number. That is, we can write a decimal number as a combination of a whole number part and a decimal number part. For example; 2.34 can be written as 2 +. 34
The whole number part includes 2 and the decimal part includes 3 tenths and 4 hundredths.
Writing a decimal number in words
We can write a decimal number in words through the following steps
Step 1: Write the number on left of the decimal point as a whole number
Step 2: We use the word “and” to denote the decimal point
Step 3: Write the number on the right side of the decimal point as a whole number
Step 4: We write the place value of the last digit (the digit at the right end of the decimal part)

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